Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been a lover of games, technology, and mysteries to solve.
Back in the day, I was hooked on the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I was taken in by the world of Hyrule and the magical characters, the story, the visuals and the mind-bending puzzles. I haven’t thought about my old pals, Link and Zelda, for decades – until I heard the news this spring that the Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom had hit the shelves, and was smashing sales records and earning near-perfect reviews.
Alas, a twist: since I hadn’t played any Zelda games in years, I didn’t realize Breath of the Wild (the previous game in the series) held the secret to unlocking the full potential of Tears of the Kingdom. What’s a girl to do? As excited as I was about the new game, I decided to step back and embark on the prequel first. The time I’m spending now will help me build the context and skills I'll need to conquer future challenges.
The world is changing before our eyes. Like my Zelda adventures, we each have the power to build the skills we’ll need in the future – starting now.
The World Economic Forum predicts that 40% of the skills in every job will change by 2025. The Institute for the Future (IFTF), LinkedIn and others have gone even further, predicting that 85% of the jobs that will exist in 2035 haven’t been invented yet.
This shift sounds incredible, until we step back and consider how much jobs and work have already changed over the past few years.

If the jobs of the future haven’t been invented yet, how can you know which skills to build – and how to stay current in the job you have today, while also preparing for the future?
My advice is to make time for both.

No one can be 100% sure of what the future will hold (hello, pandemic!). However, we can make educated guesses about which skills to focus on, to survive and thrive as technology accelerates and work changes.
I think about skills in three big buckets:
technical and digital skills
human (‘power’) skills
higher cognitive skills
Within these categories are critical skills that will be a priority for everyone:

The majority of the learning you’ll do to stay current in your existing role or field will likely be driven by your company or industry. This could include formal programs, continuing education credits and certifications. That’s your 70-80%.
The place where you can really set yourself apart is in the choices you make to prepare for the future. That’s your 20-30%, and it’s all about PREskilling™ to build targeted technical, human and higher cognitive skills. It also includes the quick bursts of learning you’ll do, any time, all the time, to stoke your curiosity, spark fresh perspectives about topics that interest you, and keep you coming back for more.
A successful PREskilling™ quest has five key elements:

Let’s look at each element in a bit more detail.

Here’s where you identify which skills to focus on.
Let’s say you wanted to build your Digital fluency – an important target for the future! Digital fluency enables you to use specific technologies, and leverage them to adapt and achieve your goals in a rapidly-changing digital landscape.
It includes key skills like these:
Digital literacy: Understanding the fundamental concepts of digital technologies, such as using mobile devices and computers (including hardware, operating systems, apps and productivity tools)
Information literacy: The ability to find, evaluate and assess information, including being able to conduct effective online research, identify reliable sources, and discern credible information from misinformation
Cybersecurity awareness: Being aware of potential online threats, and protecting yourself and your data from cyber attacks
Coding: Basic knowledge of coding languages and programming concepts, including understanding how software is built and being able to customize or create simple scripts
Social media savviness: Knowing how to use social media platforms for professional and personal purposes, including building networks, maintaining an online presence, and following the ‘dos and don’ts’ of social media etiquette
Prioritize the most critical skills you want to work on. Think 3-5 (max!) at a time. Being specific will help you convert your learning effort and skill development time into impact.

Once you identify a short list of critical skills, you’ll need to determine your current proficiency level for each one. This sets the stage for a tailored development plan, and establishes your own personal baseline to measure against.
Be as objective as possible when you do your assessment, so you get a realistic picture of your starting point.
There many different types of assessments, ranging from self-assessments (subjective) to tested and observed assessments (objective). The more in-depth your skills are to start, the deeper your assessment will need to go. For example, a multiple-choice test may be fine if you’re a novice, but if you can operate at a higher level, it’s more useful to demonstrate the skill in action.
In recent years, great advances have been made in AI-fueled skills assessments, which drive dynamic development plans and learning experiences, based on the skills you have and those you need. AI assessments bring us one step closer to creating personalized learning experiences that truly feel like they were ‘made for you.’

Personalized development plans help you prioritize your learning, to address your unique strengths and gaps. A good plan includes:
specific skill goals
targeted learning activities and experiences
opportunities to actively apply your new skills
milestone completion dates, to keep you on track
If you’ve completed an AI assessment, the system can automatically generate a development plan for you, which you can adjust to match your goals and preferred timing.

This is where the learning happens!
Make sure to include a range of options, so you can learn and apply your skills in action, engaging in fresh experiences, and foster connections that will help you grow:

The combination of learning activities you choose will be unique to you, and will be driven by your personal skill goals and preferences.

To stay on track, it’s important to continually assess your progress and refine your approach.
The process of measuring your progress helps you take stock, celebrate your successes, adjust where required, and feel confident that your PREskilling™ efforts are moving in the right direction.
Just as Link slays monsters and tackles head-scratching puzzles in the Zelda series, we all need to embrace the unknown to sharpen our skills.
Whether you're a seasoned gamer or a non-gamer extraordinaire, the message is clear: now is the time to equip ourselves with the skills we need for future adventures. With every challenge we conquer today, we'll unlock the power within ourselves to thrive tomorrow. It’s an epic journey, and each new skill can become a golden key to success.
Let’s set out on this bold skills quest together, and forge a path to even brighter days ahead!
TM = Trademark of Gina Jeneroux | The Future is Now Consulting Inc.